Projects (Переклад Гугл)

The design of medical facilities today is a fairly important separate branch of the medical business, which is developing quite quickly. Not every project company is able to complete the documentation of a modern medical facility at a decent level.

LLC "DM-PROJECT" offers its customers a full range of services for the production of turnkey project documentation for the creation or re-equipment of a medical facility. Preparation of project documentation consists of 5 stages:

1. Task analysis and preparation of the "Medical task"

Task analysis and preparation of the "Medical task" The medical assignment and the design assignment determine the form, structure, and purpose of the facility in accordance with construction, sanitary, and fire regulations.
The design task and the Medical task are part of the mandatory initial data for the development of the project of construction or reconstruction of the health care facility and must contain the entire set of the main requirements of the Customer in accordance with the purpose, profile and capacity of the facility.
Our company, based on the wishes and preliminary assessments of the future user of the object, conducts an independent assessment of the possibility of construction on the selected site of a medical institution of one or another capacity or functional orientation.
After preliminary agreement with the user and the Customer of the project, prepares the Design Task and the Medical Task on behalf of the Customer. These documents become the basis for the development of project documentation.

2. Development of the "Medical Program"

The medical program specifies the list of necessary premises of the future medical institution, their area, determines the required number of medical personnel.
The program is compiled on the basis of regulatory documents on the construction and organization of the work of a medical institution, taking into account the specifics of the object, which is reflected in the Medical Task, as well as in accordance with the most modern medical technologies.

3. "Project" stage

At the "P" stage, urban planning, architectural, ecological, technical, technological, engineering solutions of the object, the estimated cost of construction and technical and economic indicators are determined. The "Technological solutions" section, as a fundamental section of the medical facility project, includes:
a) development of layout schemes for medical equipment and functional furniture in premises;
b) preparation and development of technical tasks for the installation of engineering communications to ensure appropriate conditions for the stay of patients and staff, the functioning of medical equipment according to the sections:
- electrical solutions;
- water supply and sewerage;
- heating, ventilation and air conditioning;
- cooling supply;
- medical gases;
- low current networks;
- environmental protection.

4. "Working documentation" stage

At the "P" stage, the processes of construction and assembly work are specified and detailed. At this stage, detailed specifications, drawings, specifications and estimates are developed.
The "Technological solutions" section, as a fundamental section of the medical facility project, includes:
data on dimensions and mass of large equipment units;
the task of installing collateral parts in ogo5 production structures to ensure the installation of equipment and the laying of technological communications;
assignment of equipment connection points to engineering communications (water supply, sewerage, electricity supply, supply, medical gases, local ventilation suction devices) indicating the characteristics of the connection nodes, their exact location, etc.;
data on types, quantitative and qualitative characteristics of engineering resources consumed by a unit of technological installed equipment;
volumes and characteristics of effluents, emissions and other emissions from operating equipment.

5. Author supervision.

Specialists of "DM-PROEKT" LLC carry out author's supervision during the construction, reconstruction and major repair and re-equipment of medical facilities.